With so many cold sore treatment options on the market, it can be difficult to decide which is best for you. The important features to consider in a product are how fast it can speed up the healing time, and what it can do to alleviate painful symptoms. However, many people are also looking at ingredients, as natural solutions become more and more popular. Super Lysine Plus is a great natural solution for cold sores.

Whether you have sensitive skin, allergies, or just want peace of mind, choosing a natural treatment option is safe and effective. Super Lysine Plus contains ingredients you can feel good about. They are also ingredients that are known to soothe and heal fever blisters quickly.

Lysine is commonly known for being an effective cold sore treatment on its own. So, combining it with other potent ingredients is a great way to get rid of blisters quickly and naturally.

This ‘miracle ointment’ is meant to help your skin heal quickly, and to soothe away any painful symptoms associated with cracking, oozing blisters. But, can a natural solution work as well as other over-the-counter treatments?

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This article will go over how and why Super Lysine Plus works. We will cover the ingredients, and what makes them so potent. If you’re searching for a good cold sore treatment, but want more information about natural solutions, let this article be your guide. All-natural formulas are often safer, so determining if this treatment is right for you can offer peace of mind as you try to heal your cold sore flare up.


Almost every ingredient in this formula is designed to either eliminate the painful symptoms of a cold sore or speed up the healing process. As you might expect, lysine is an important part of this product. However, the active ingredient is menthol (0.1%). Let’s take a look at the other ingredients, before diving into how these two important additions can help with the herpes simplex virus. Additional ingredients include:

  • Honey
  • Vitamin A, D3, E
  • Zinc Oxide
  • Propolis extract
  • Olive oil
  • Beeswax
  • Calendula
  • Gum benzoin
  • Echinacea
  • Goldenseal
  • Melaleuca oil

Ingredients like olive oil and honey work to keep your skin moisturized and help to prevent cracking.[1] Zinc oxide and essential vitamins help your immune system to fight back against the virus naturally. Propolis extract can speed up the healing time of cold sores.[2]

Since Menthol is the active ingredient, you might wonder how it comes into play in treating a blister. Menthol is found in many cold sore treatments. It helps to prevent cracking once the cold sore has scabbed over, and can promote healing.[3]

Additionally, menthol provides a cooling, soothing sensation. The moment it touches a blister, you’ll notice it start to tingle, before experiencing a cool relief from itching and burning. Only a small amount of ointment is needed on a noticeable cold sore to be effective. It will work even faster if you’re able to apply it once you feel the first symptoms of a blister (tingling, itching, etc.).

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How It Does Work

Lysine is often listed as one of the most effective ways to heal a cold sore quickly. It is an amino acid that isn’t naturally produced by the body but can be found in many of the foods we eat. Some foods that are high in Lysine include:

  • Pork
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt

Additionally, you can take a lysine supplement if you feel you won’t get a sufficient amount from your diet alone. A steady daily intake of lysine can help to reduce the severity of cold sores and decrease the frequency of outbreaks. It’s not just used as a treatment option but as a preventative solution.

Lysine’s effectiveness on cold sores is so strong because it deals directly with the herpes virus. It prevents the virus from growing and spreading. Once the virus itself has weakened, a cold sore will begin to heal. Nothing can get rid of the herpes simplex virus completely, but lysine is a strong combatant against it.

Lysine will help to soothe symptoms associated with cold sores and speed up healing from the inside out. For a product like Super Lysine Plus to include it as an ingredient in their formula, you can apply it directly to the blister topically. For an extra ‘boost,’ include it in your diet as well, and you’ll be able to receive even more of its healing benefits.

Side Effects

Completely natural products rarely cause any harmful side effects. Many of these ingredients could work on their own to at least provide some relief toward a fever blister. However, it’s important to be fully aware of each ingredient, and how it might affect you personally. While they are typically harmless, some people may have sensitivities or allergies, even to natural solutions.

Super Lysine Plus is an ointment, and it doesn’t come with an applicator. One thing to keep in mind is how to apply it safely. Because the herpes simplex virus is so contagious, applying the tube directly to your cold sore could cause the whole bottle to become contaminated.

Instead of squeezing the ointment directly onto the affected area, squeeze a bit onto your finger or a Q-Tip to apply it safely. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after coming into contact with a cold sore at any stage. Never share this ointment with other people. If you reduce the risks of potential spreading and contamination, you can continue to use the same bottle through multiple outbreaks, if needed.


This product provides double the benefits: It soothes symptoms and promotes healing. Because it’s a topical ointment that contains powerful ingredients like menthol and lysine, you can expect results very quickly.

The moment you apply the ointment to the cold sore, the menthol will start to kick in. The cooling sensation will help to get rid of any burning or itching you experience and will last quite awhile. The other ingredients will help to moisturize the area to prevent cracking. Finally, the lysine will help with additional pain and speed up the healing time.

Because it’s applied directly to the sore, the ointment has a chance to penetrate into the viral infection. In most cases, it only needs to be applied once a day, though people dealing with a lot of pain may need to go through several applications each day.

You can expect to see results in a matter of days as far as the appearance of the sore. Some people have claimed to see results in just one day. However, the pain you experience should subside almost immediately.

Will It Work?

More and more people are turning toward natural treatment options for cold sores because of their safety. Many of them also work extremely well. Super Lysine Plus has great reviews to back it up, and it contains only natural ingredients.

However, if you’re prone to outbreaks and your cold sores are severely painful and unsightly, a natural product may not work as quickly as a prescription designed for your specific situation. The good news? You can give a product like this a try with virtually no risks involved. It is inexpensive, easy to find, and won’t cause any negative side effects. If it doesn’t work for you as well as countless others, a stronger solution may be necessary.

Pros and Cons

It can be difficult to find many drawbacks in products that contain only natural ingredients. However, it’s important to be informed as much as possible before choosing the right cold sore treatment. Let’s examine some of the strongest and weakest features of this healing ointment.


  • Works against painful symptoms quickly
  • Some people notice healing in just 24 hours
  • Dries completely clear – no film or residue left behind
  • All-natural ingredients
  • No harmful side effects


  • May not be strong enough for severe cases
  • Works best when applied immediately after initial symptoms
  • Tube doesn’t come with separate applicator

As far as a natural treatment solution goes, it doesn’t get much more potent than this specially-formulated ointment. While there are a few negatives to consider, the positives and healing power tend to outweigh them. Any natural treatment that can provide soothing pain relief right away is valuable to anyone suffering from a fever blister outbreak.


Lysine on its own is a proven cold sore healing treatment. If you search for natural home remedies for outbreaks, it’s likely to show up on every list. The Super Lysine Plus Cold Sore Ointment has taken its healing power one step further, by adding it to an equally strong and soothing formula.

With ingredients like cooling Menthol and moisturizing olive oil, this ointment will allow you to find relief from cold sore symptoms right away. In most cases, just one daily application will reduce the appearance of your cold sore in a very short amount of time. Plus, it’s less expensive than many treatment alternatives. There is nothing to lose in trying this natural treatment for your next cold sore outbreak.

We hope this article has answered any questions you have about Super Lysine Plus. If you’ve been thinking about making the switch to a natural solution, it’s a great way to get started. You might be surprised how well it works when compared to the alternatives.

Our Verdict

Convenience:4 out of 5 stars (4.0 / 5)
Speed:4 out of 5 stars (4.0 / 5)
Results:4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5)
Value:4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5)
Average:4.3 out of 5 stars (4.3 / 5)


  1. Lindberg T., Andersson O., Palm M., Fagerstrom C. (2015). A systematic review and meta-analysis of dressings used for wound healing: the efficiency of honey compared to silver on burns. Contemp. Nurse 51, 121–134. 10.1080/10376178.2016.1171727
  2. Martinotti S, Ranzato E. Propolis: a new frontier for wound healing? Burns & Trauma. 2015;3:9. doi:10.1186/s41038-015-0010-z.
  3. Kamatou GP, Vermaak I, Viljoen AM, et al. Menthol: a simple monoterpene with remarkable biological properties. Phytochemistry. 2013;96:15‐25.

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