When you have a cold sore, you want a source of fast relief and for it to go away quickly. Those red blisters can be incredibly painful, and the scabs are easy for others to see. Could the natural remedy of coconut oil provide the rapid recovery that you need?
Although completely subjective, as is the case with almost all natural and organic treatments, coconut oil has shown some signs of promise.
Are there any side effects to coconut oil? Is internal consumption safe? Are there natural alternatives to coconut oil? You will also learn about the protein arginine and the role it plays when it comes to healing cold sores faster.
Can Coconut Oil Get Rid of Cold Sores?
There are no medical studies that conclusively prove that coconut oil can get rid of cold sores. This does not mean all is lost, but it does mean that nothing has been conclusively proven one way or the other. Coconut oil does have healing and therapeutic properties. These qualities can heal cold sores based on their functions.
Caused by HSV-1, cold sores are certainly annoying, painful, and unaesthetic. However, coconut oil does contain fats that have the potential to treat an outbreak. These fats and healing agents can dissolve areas that are riddled with bacteria.
Courtesy of what are known as medium chain triglycerides, coconut oil can treat cold sores. Thanks to its antibiotic, antifungal, and antiviral agents, this natural remedy can heal compromised skin. Capric acid, caprylic acid, and lauric acid are also potent healing agents found in the oil.
Coconut oil can cover a cold sore blister and dissolve the outermost layer. Restoring the skin while defeating the bacteria and virus infected area, it can promote skin renewal.
Noted below are the most important takeaways to your question.
- It contains healing fats. These treatment agents, briefly noted above, can heal cold sore blisters and scabs. This natural remedy has the potential to dissolve the outer layer of bacteria.
- Not only is coconut oil a healing agent but it also promotes immune health. By removing bacteria while healing the skin, this oil can potentially stop the spread of HSV-1.
What Is Arginine?
Defined as a natural amino acid that is produced by the body, arginine has many healing qualities. Often consumed in foods, most notably those that are high in protein, arginine can be used to treat certain ailments.
Ranging from headaches, cardiovascular disease, and even erectile dysfunction, arginine can improve blood circulation. However, as it relates to cold sores, arginine can be problematic.
Although no clinical evidence can support the claims, arginine has been thought of as a cold sore aggressor. This has seemed especially true in those prone to cold sores and active HSV-1. The consumption of foods high in arginine can be a major trigger.
Additionally, arginine shares a connection with coconut meat and lysine. Regarded as a supplement that can heal and treat cold sores, lysine has been very popular over the years.
Coconut flesh contains arginine. The presence of both lysine and arginine can have some rather ill effects. Too much arginine in your diet can cancel out the implementation of lysine. This is very important to note if you take lysine to heal cold sores. Coconut meat, by negating the lysine and introducing arginine, could lead to an outbreak.
- Arginine can promote viral growth. Avoid this amino acid if you are prone to cold sores.
- Coconut meat contains high levels or arginine. This is very problematic if you are trying to heal cold sore blisters and scabs faster.
- If you are currently taking lysine to heal cold sores be careful about consuming foods that are high in arginine. There is a school of thought that arginine can counteract the work of lysine. With complete vulnerability, you could suffer a cold sore outbreak.
Does Coconut Oil Contain Arginine?
Based on all presented information the answer to this critical question is no. By every detailed account, coconut oil does not contain arginine.
Oil extracted from a coconut is pure fat. Due to this important fact, the oil does not contain amino acids or proteins. This is why coconut oil, rather than coconut meat, is a viable cold sore treatment method.
Although this information could be a bit trivial, it is critically important. It is quite possible that a casual observer could think coconut heals cold sores. Using coconut as an umbrella term, some could believe all coconut products are treatment methods. This is most certainly not the case.
Another topic to address is that of lysine. Unlike coconut meat, lysine can be used in conjunction with coconut oil. Used in combination, blisters and scabs can potentially heal faster.
Here are the important takeaways:
- Coconut oil does not contain arginine. The oil contains positive healing fats without negative elements. It is also worth noting that coconut water is free of arginine as well.
- Lysine supplements and coconut oil can serve as perfect complements to each other.
Is Coconut Oil for Internal Use Beneficial?
While you can consume Island Fresh Organic coconut oil in a variety of ways, three key categories are in play. Beverages, cooking, and capsules.
Listed below is a short overview concerning each method of treatment.
- Drops of coconut oil can be placed in any beverage of your choosing. Although hot coffee or hot tea are the most common, the choice is yours. You should note that too much coffee is bad for cold sores. Implementing coconut oil in smoothie recipes has become quite popular. This oil can also be consumed straight. Drinking a couple of teaspoons from the bottle itself is perfectly fine.
- Similar to beverages, if you can cook it, you can add coconut oil. Often added to main course dishes and even salads, adding a small amount of coconut oil is a positive.
- If the pure taste of the oil is a turn-off, try consuming this natural remedy in capsule form. Four or five capsules per day are typically the recommended dosage. The average serving of one capsule typically delivers 400-500 mg of lauric acid.
While dosages will vary from person-to-person, coconut oil is safe. The simple act of adding it to your favorite beverage or dish should have no ill effects.
As it relates to the topic of coconut oil and cold sores, the healing properties are in place. This natural remedy is pure. The “good fats” of Island Fresh Organic coconut oil will maintain regardless of how you choose to manipulate the liquid.
How to Use Coconut Oil for External Use
If you want to use coconut oil as a topical cream, there are some important things to know.
While coconut oil is often branded as a liquid, it can be quite firm. Although a slight amount of heat is required for internal use, stiffening is good for external lip balm.
Listed below is a step-by-step guide to cold sore treatment.
- Using a cotton swab or cotton ball, apply the oil to the infected area. It is imperative that you never use your fingers. This could negate the entire process.
- Repeat the aforementioned application every 60 to 90 minutes.
- Once the cold sore scab hardens, continue to apply Island Fresh Organic coconut oil. The harder the lip becomes, the more likely it is to split. Keeping the area moisturized will prevent this unwanted occurrence.
- Continue the process on a routine basis until the sore is gone. The overall timetable will vary based upon the healing (scab) stage and the number of cold sores present.
What Are the Natural Alternatives to Coconut Oil?
Although natural remedies are quite popular in most every aspect of medicine, coconut oil might not be for you. If this is indeed the case, there are plenty of other options on the table.
- Vitamin rich foods. Especially fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin C and vitamin E. Vitamin supplements are also a wonderful option.
- Increase your zinc intake. Found in various foods, including eggs, chicken, and turkey, zinc can also be consumed via capsule.
- Consume lysine. As noted earlier in this material, lysine can help to heal cold sores. Available in foods such as chicken and fish, lysine is also available in capsule form. Taking 1,000 mg two or three times a day can treat cold sores.
- Peppermint oil. This natural remedy can be quite effective in the early stages of a cold sore.
- Vanilla oil. Noted for its anti-inflammatory properties, vanilla oil can be applied directly to the sore via cotton ball or swab.
Can Coconut Oil Heal My Cold Sore?
When it comes to any form of natural remedy, the obvious advice is to give it a try. Because Island Fresh Organic coconut oil has no major side effects, the choice to use is safe. In the most simplistic wording, the worst case scenario is that it fails to work.
Although natural remedies are certainly trendy, you are encouraged to be mindful of OTC medications. Various creams and cover ups do work. Products that are approved by the FDA, such as HERP-B-GONE, are available to you. It’s interesting to note that HERP-B-GONE contains coconut oil.