Facts About Cold Sores That May Surprise You
Cold sores are unsightly, contagious, and—unfortunately—relatively common. Caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), cold sores usually appear around the mouth or nose and can last for up to two…
Do Cold Sores Pop Like Pimples?
Anyone who’s ever had a cold sore knows that it can be quite painful. But what exactly are cold sores, and how do they differ from pimples? Do cold sores…
Can You Get Cold Sores from Covid 19 Vaccine?
There’s a lot of misinformation circulating about the Covid-19 vaccine. More and more people are wondering about the potential side effects of the vaccine. One of the most common questions…
Do Cold Sores Have Whiteheads?
If you have ever experienced a cold sore, you may be wondering if they can have whiteheads. That’s why we are here to answer the question – Do cold sores…
Everything You Need To Know About Cold Sores In Kids
If you have a child with cold sores, you’re probably wondering what they are and how you can help your little one feel better. Cold sores are small, painful blisters…