What’s the Link between the Immune System and Cold Sores?
The World Health Organization estimates that 67% of people under the age of 50 carry the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). While most of us have the virus that causes oral…
Are Cold Sores a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)?
The herpes virus carries a stigma. While various labels are crucial for basic understanding, not every type of herpes is an STD. Most individuals who carry HSV acquired the virus through…
Can Cold Sores Cause Nerve Pain In Face -Can You Get Facial (Trigeminal) Nerve Pain After a Cold Sore?
Cold sores have painful symptoms. Facial nerve pain after the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) has been activated is less common, but it can occur. Other medical conditions affect the nerves…
Why Did My Cold Sore Scab Turn Black?
Cold sores are painful skin lesions that occur on the face due to the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). They all follow a 5-stage life cycle. The healing process is similar to…
Can You Get Cold Sores in Your Throat (Herpes Esophagitis)?
While rare, cold sores (herpes simplex virus) can infect the throat and esophagus. It typically affects people with a severely compromised immune system. It can be confused with other medical…